~a month of unschool~

(posted june 2013)

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~a hodge podge of photos to tell our unschooling story for this month~

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~children’s festival; built a colored pencil box with sliding lid, checked out a bunch of cool slides under a microscope, and spent time playing with electrical circuits at the our living school table; also not pictured, the giant pile of legos he played with for an hour, and the balloon he brought home!~

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~ewok technology!~

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~homeschool group valentine’s day gathering~

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~pancake trip to the zoo for quinn’s birthday (prequel)! i especially love that quinn was reading his bob book to little b pancake (we are reading bob books for both the early reading skill level and the self-esteem boost). the fossil elephant skulls were fascinating to quinn, but i think there were many things he liked at the zoo!~

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~more ewok technology- catapult construction using an awesome library book find called smash it, crash it, launch it!~ uno and qwirkle and other mind-stretching games~ and an apple pie for birthday boy himself!~

 ~and of course, cuteness beyond cuteness; helping care for a baby lamb one day at indoor farmer’s market! awwww!~


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