~rainbow mondays~ winter holidays and spring awakenings

this rainbow monday is so last year… about time to share some holiday memories!


rainbow stocking hand sewn by camp boss, rainbow twinkly lights, and a rainbow veggies tray were all part of our holidays. it is good to remind myself of this, as my impression of this holiday season was that i did the bare minimum (did not bake a single cookie or send any cards) but i did do some festive things.



rainbow moon!

rainbow work-in-progress for a certain pokemon fan with an upcoming birthday…


this elf received many tools and methods of organizing his possessions disguised as gifts, and did so quite graciously considering there were few toys. ahhh, he’s growing up.

red: this hummingbird boy appears to be growing up, too. some early glimpses of his future plumage.


red: i had the privilege of doing photography for a friend’s wedding in the darkest days of the year… a challenge i wasn’t sure i was equal to, but i did my best. i took many bad photos, but a few good ones in spite of the dim lighting of december. truly, the day was kissed by more than it’s fair share of sunshine for this time of year, so i couldn’t have been luckier.

orange: the sunset that day, from the wedding venue.

orange: such a nice couple, who for some reason remind me of us.

orange: snapdragon soaking in the sun

orange: new year’s day dew drops in the winter garden

yellow: spring is coming in january this year… dandelions and honey bees already!

yellow: primroses are blooming, too!

yellow: more from the wedding, yellow roses of friendship



green: also a pleasing number of green flowers…


green: speaking of weddings, our sacred little wedding grove is looking lovely in the winter sun. i still have so much of our wedding to share here, and am happy to think of using the months during which i was planning a wedding in 2017, to revel in some memories in 2018.

green: after realizing we had visiting eagles in the bayou, we started taking more regular walks down there again.

green: eagles of the bayou.

green: both rich and i are fond of the glowing golden chain tree.

blue: this is how much freezing weather we have had this winter.

blue: the morning of my friend’s wedding, i took some photos near the venue. what a gorgeous day!

blue: more venue view.

blue: i was pretty stunned i caught this image while little d was walking by my shoot of the wedding rings. the bride’s grandma’s mirror provided a great surface on which to rest the bride’s other grandma’s diamond. little d, though he didn’t carry the rings, was essentially playing the role of ring bearer in the wedding procession.

blue: that blue sky!

purple: one final snap of the wedding flowers… delightful lavender roses.

purple: more accurately, violet! and it seems that spring is springing!

~rainbow mondays~

a splash of color on monday

a photo study documenting the colors of the spectrum: the balance points between light reflected and light absorbed

1 comment to ~rainbow mondays~ winter holidays and spring awakenings

  • camp boss

    wedding photos were great!! If I had a wedding coming up I would totally hire YOU!!! A fun rainbow bridging the winter to spring gap. what a nice stocking ornament !! 😉 it is about time for a MASH dinner date!!!!

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