it’s been a whirlwind week of fun with family in new york, and i have the rainbow to prove it. here is one of quinn’s hand-crafted birthday decorations, a rainbow octahedron, complete with barney the origami allosaurus, hanging in the rew kitchen!
we’ll start with white, the most abundant color in this rainbow. the goal of this trip to new york was to get quinn there to experience some snow, a goal he has held for several years. it was a little touch and go for a few days, after the leftover snow we enjoyed on day one had given way to 60 degree weather, but on his birthday eve, quinn’s birthday wish came true. he woke up to falling flakes.
white: by the time he had rolled his last snowball into his igloo base, a good 6 inches had accumulated.
white: making the most of the aforementioned leftovers, the day of our arrival.
white: fancy ice formations
white: birthday eve snowman construction, while the snow continued to fall.
white: amazing how quickly it accumulates.
white: hard at work on his “security guard” at the top of the driveway.
white: after sledding his heart out, he certainly slept well that night!
white: one of the biggest kids of all is the one i’m married to…
white: winter wonderland!
white: and then… the storm was over and the sun came out! good thing we enjoyed it while it lasted!
red: playing near grampy’s barn on the day of our arrival with his cousins.
red: it was that certain kind of snow that sculpts itself into formations as it slides off the edge of the barn roof…
red: ida red and northern spy at the local cider mill where we got fresh warm donuts and got to see our foster cousins “andy and molly.” though these two sweeties are back with their mom, they will always be a part of our family.
orange: a happy boy riding downhill on a vintage sled.
golden-brown: the local herd visiting the lower field.
yellow: black-eyed susan stems at sunset.
yellow: sunset over the leftover snow on our first day.
yellow: golden glow on the windowpanes.
yellow: the last light of day casting the walnut tree’s shadow on the porch windows.
yellow: sunset on sparkly icicles.
green: shelter building on a much warmer day with cousins and newest foster cousin. this was our first meeting of this cousin, who shall be called schroeder (not his real name), for his attraction to the piano.
green: sawing limbs for the shelter.
green: wake up snuggle with grammy.
green: everyone loves to snuggle with her…
blue: confused geese, not sure which way to go on such a warm day between snow storms.
blue: the rainbows on the old harvestore silo have always made me happy.
purple: i let the other kids do most of the sledding and snow playing, but i did go down the hill once or twice.
purple: then i sat around taking photos of snowflakes and icicles and sunsets while i supervised the shenanigans.
pink-purple-golden sky at the end of a snowy day.
maybe i’ll just call it red violet.
a splash of color on monday
a photo study documenting the colors of the spectrum: the balance points between light reflected and light absorbed
So much fun. So much love and so many smiles! I can feel the love!
I can’t wait to hear the recap!!! the kids were watching over my shoulder as i looked at the post and were soooo jealous of all the snow playing!!