~seventeen~ supersingular

In abstract algebra, seventeen is a supersingular prime, the explanation of which I had no comprehension of, which is probably a sign I never took abstract algebra, but I still think supersingular sounds intriguing. . . . → Read More: ~seventeen~ supersingular


I don’t have many photos of the Neon, but hunting through photos shows me all the places the little car took us; in a sense, it’s just outside the frame of every picture. . . . → Read More: neon

~thankful thursday~ magnitude

Every November marks a new beginning for me, ever since I started doing this crazy thing. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ magnitude

~thankful thursday~ all true

I am grateful that Rich is at least as invested as me in my gratitude posts, and I cannot go to bed without him reminding me that I haven’t written one yet. Good morning, love, I am grateful for you. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ all true

ny textures

What I did on my summer vacation part one: June in Cortland New York.

other posts you may enjoy:quinn’s thirty-fifth month ~ in which dragons come and they drink the bay8 is great!~rainbow mondays~ fields of elk and flowers~two months in the life of a lifelong learner~ enfolded eggs part . . . → Read More: ny textures


I like how they belong to each other. . . . → Read More: belong

sixteen ~ oxygen

That’s XVI for you Roman numeral fans. . . . → Read More: sixteen ~ oxygen

~thankful thursday~ peanut butter

I am grateful for the way these gratitudes, post-it-note and placard-sized, and every size in between, collect into a quirky little bundle each year and make a kind of sense together, put off a sort of warmth, a little light, they almost hum. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ peanut butter

~thankful thursday~ soft walls

I keep turning toward it, and it keeps being there to greet me. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ soft walls

~thankful thursday~ celebrating bigger

I’m grateful to be quitting this business of staying small and keeping it all under wraps. Also grateful for my vote and to all who vote for women not to have to stay small. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ celebrating bigger