
Spirals with multiple injuries, cracks and gouges, jagged edged and hard like shards, like knives ready to inflict instead of being inflicted upon. Some whose edges are once again smooth, ready to soothe, ready to scoop sand and shimmer. . . . → Read More: Galveston

egg season

All the furred and feathered friends of Yaquina Bay have been very excited, flocking and frolicking around. . . . → Read More: egg season

~tidepool immersion~ within and just outside

the textures of the water within and just outside. . . . → Read More: ~tidepool immersion~ within and just outside

ny textures

What I did on my summer vacation part one: June in Cortland New York.

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I like how they belong to each other. . . . → Read More: belong

~thankful thursday~ feathered and furry friends

I’m grateful he is and has always been the kind of man who, when he sees a feral kitten, does not see a throwaway, but a treasured furball. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ feathered and furry friends

tidepool immersion ~ not far off

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bufflehead black brant double-crested cormorant . . . → Read More: herring

~thankful thursday~ shine-dripping

I saw her appreciate simple pleasures in those last days she spent in her house, things I hadn’t seen her do before. She spun the prisms in her window at sunset and watched rainbows dance around the ceiling. She delighted in a squishy silicone ring I bought her as a placeholder for the wedding ring she had misplaced. She said yes every time I suggested going for a walk. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ shine-dripping

tidepool immersion ~ possibility

Rich took the day off for our wedding anniversary and we got to go tidepooling together. . . . → Read More: tidepool immersion ~ possibility