~summer shorts~ give rise

Cascading eggplants, purple onions, and purple majesty potatoes, purple carrots with their orangey-red lateral root scars. . . . → Read More: ~summer shorts~ give rise

~summer shorts~ firebirth

Though the flames haven’t even subsided, and the hatchling may be weak and covered in all this ash right now, she will eventually emerge powerful and courageous. . . . → Read More: ~summer shorts~ firebirth

encouragement from crab

i was tagged in a facebook post by a woman whose friend is having surgery for breast cancer, with a request for sending love and encouragement from one woman to another, so her friend would arrive home to a pile of cards and well wishes. it is easy to ignore such a post, because i . . . → Read More: encouragement from crab

informed consent and respect

i have several fun posts i want to write, but i just had a week of being put through the wringer and i am going to process this through writing. (and show off another god-kissed ocean picture from the same day as my sunset ~this moment~ picture. that makes . . . → Read More: informed consent and respect

~this moment~ normal

A Friday ritual. A single photo capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

other posts you may enjoy:~black and white wednesday~ spring takes wing~black and white wednesday~~this moment~~rainbow mondays~

magical elders

it’s been a wonderful week of hiking, tree climbing, and foraging. spending time with the elders (giant cedar trees, watchful owls, and berries of the elder variety). quinn and i were driving down a road toward the drift creek wilderness near our home and this owl was looking down . . . → Read More: magical elders

mama unschool course; wild herbals and medicinals

one of my ongoing self-taught areas of study (i think of them as mama unschooling courses) is basically, all things plant. i have been reading widely in plant field guides, and especially focusing on edible and medicinal features of wild (i like to think of them as free range) plants. i’m putting together quite a . . . → Read More: mama unschool course; wild herbals and medicinals