~thankful thursday~ hope and home

At some point the next day I will remember that it doesn’t matter what the reading on the gratitude gauge says, what matters is showing up for it. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ hope and home

joy to the world

A few days into December, I was reflecting on how beneficial the November gratitude challenge is for me – the impetus to write daily warms me up for other writing, and the topic itself is nurturing to my soul. I decided I would like to adopt a topic for December to continue the motivation to . . . → Read More: joy to the world

wedding week ~ one year ago today ~ part 1

one year ago this week…

in the final weeks before our wedding, when the spirit of flat bride had me flitting around amazon clicking on 10 dollar items such as 25 yards of lace and a bottle of rose water, wedding boss was doing her level best to keep me organized and on task. . . . → Read More: wedding week ~ one year ago today ~ part 1

~this moment~ check this off the bucket list



~a friday ritual~

a photo capturing a moment from the week.

a simple, special moment.

a moment i want to pause, savor and remember

other posts you may . . . → Read More: ~this moment~ check this off the bucket list

~rainbow mondays~ lighthearted

i didn’t take enough pictures this week for a full rainbow monday post, but i also don’t want to skip posting today, because i am feeling so blessed and joyful. i attended a wonderful yoga and writing workshop on saturday that filled me with inspiration was just so invigorating. then yesterday (sunday) looked at . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ lighthearted