~seventeen~ supersingular

In abstract algebra, seventeen is a supersingular prime, the explanation of which I had no comprehension of, which is probably a sign I never took abstract algebra, but I still think supersingular sounds intriguing. . . . → Read More: ~seventeen~ supersingular


I like how they belong to each other. . . . → Read More: belong

sixteen ~ oxygen

That’s XVI for you Roman numeral fans. . . . → Read More: sixteen ~ oxygen


From the music of the spheres to the music of our own solar system, fifteen is a special number. . . . → Read More: fifteen~love

~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ black holes and parabolas

Maybe life is a little like a parabola, you have to get to the bottom of it at some point, but you can look forward to it going back up on the other side! . . . → Read More: ~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ black holes and parabolas

educational priorities ~ a mamafesto ~ 2020 remix

As mama of a young man, I see it as one of my most important roles in his learning to make sure he is aware and competent around the concept of consent. By honoring Quinn’s integrity, boundaries, and self-direction in his learning, I am modeling consent. . . . → Read More: educational priorities ~ a mamafesto ~ 2020 remix

~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ the morphometrics of distance learning

After his first zoom lecture he told me about geometric morphometrics, which he explained very eloquently and I recorded on my audio recorder. I know he found that area of study quite intriguing – math plus fossils. . . . → Read More: ~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ the morphometrics of distance learning

~thankful thursday~ if the weather holds

I am grateful for the spontaneous dates of early summer: breakfasts, coffees, and cocktails with popcorn outside in our Adirondack chairs by wedding trees. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ if the weather holds

~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ parsimony

“Time for a lesson on the Cretaceous Paleogene extinction real quick.” . . . → Read More: ~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ parsimony

~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ not so little drummer boy

My brother’s laugh is one of my very favorite laughs in the world, and one of my very favorite things about him, and it would not be a disappointment if Quinn inherited this trait. Even if it is for a temporary period, I’m thoroughly enjoying the way his laughs ring in the air, jingling like the bells at the upper reach of his mallets, perhaps because they contrast so with his new low speaking register in the timpani section. . . . → Read More: ~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ not so little drummer boy