~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ quercus quetzalcoatlus

paleontology camp!

there was quite a bit of sand spilling out of the lint trap in the dryer as i restarted the bulging load of size 14 clothing for another cycle. Every pair of underwear but the two extras were worn; all socks; all shirts and pants; when the second batch . . . → Read More: ~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ quercus quetzalcoatlus

~rainbow mondays~ summer fresh





~rainbow mondays~

a splash of color on monday

a photo study documenting the colors of the spectrum: the balance points between light reflected and light absorbed

other posts you may enjoy:heroes in . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ summer fresh

~black and white wednesday~



other posts you may enjoy:quinn’s fifteenth month ~ packing, playing, peekaboo and pearsa valentine’s day in the life~a month of unschool~ the merry-go-round went around again~around the farm~ purple . . . → Read More: ~black and white wednesday~

~rainbow mondays~ farm, fair, fun!

rainbow farm fresh goodness! i’ve become a bit of a compulsive rainbow-maker….

there were so many rainbows at oregon country fair… just sharing a few, and of course, most of the individual colors in this week’s rainbow are courtesy of fair as well.

rich told me that the rainbow . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ farm, fair, fun!

yes yes yes!

around june 1st we started living in dragon house 2.0, and toasted our new home together with whiskey and cokes and organic peanut butter cups. although we are still finalizing details and sorting out technicalities in anticipation of actually closing the sale, and i hesitate to write much out of superstition, i have been strewing . . . → Read More: yes yes yes!

~rainbow mondays~

it’s an oregon country rainbow today… i am really having fun with bubbles these days. this was taken as i was leaving fair yesterday, as the sun was starting to set.

white: dragon that kept visiting rich and i during the rising appalachia concert, perched on the hat of a guy in front . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~

bullet points

i’m moving. officially. it’s a happy move. a very happy, very much in love move. very.

oregon country fair. at 8 pm quinn succinctly put it, ” the fair was fun. now i’m tired.” i haven’t been to fair in years, and for a long time it was a place full of shadows . . . → Read More: bullet points