crazy about you . . . → Read More: get
So many of our Western Tiger Swallowtail friends have been hanging around this last week since our butterfly bush bloomed. . . . → Read More: ~summer shorts~ thrive I’ve had his tea kettle on the back burner of my mind as a dear object I have been wanting to trace back in time in writing. Though right now it is sometimes better to keep a lid on the memories, there are days, like today, when it feels as comforting as a mug of tea to steep myself in treasured moments from the past. . . . → Read More: ~summer shorts~ tea kettle Spicy and deeply flavorful, a labor of love, inspired by humor. . . . → Read More: chicken mole love is takeout gyros and movie rentals, a scenic drive home on the bay road so we can relax at home. love is lighting sparklers by ourselves in the yard on the 4th, then heading to bed before the fireworks even think about starting. love is asking me for a shopping list on Friday . . . → Read More: love is when i was crying on my husband’s shoulder the other night about all the balls i felt like i was dropping, he reminded me of this day a year ago, and drew the metaphor of how there’s the way you picture how things are going to go… releasing flowers gently into the water, . . . → Read More: we honor wind ~friday july 21, 2017 ~wedding eve!~ friday morning found the bride wielding a toilet plunger; nothing like extra house guests flushing extra toilet paper to help prevent excess bridal vanity. so many times during the week, i felt thankfulness for my wedding boss, who had helped me include helpful things such as “water garden” on . . . → Read More: wedding week ~ one year ago today ~ part 2 one year ago this week… in the final weeks before our wedding, when the spirit of flat bride had me flitting around amazon clicking on 10 dollar items such as 25 yards of lace and a bottle of rose water, wedding boss was doing her level best to keep me organized and on task. . . . → Read More: wedding week ~ one year ago today ~ part 1 on the two year engage-aversary of my husband asking me to marry him, i thought a stroll down wedding memory lane, accompanied by a tune, would be just the thing. johnny cash was the second musical artist rich told me he liked on our first date. the first was rusted root, and every other one . . . → Read More: ~tuesday tunes~ in my life the three of us took a winding sunday drive along the river to cut ourselves a christmas tree. when we got to the one we would take home, a hawk flew overhead and called out. it was such an easy decision at that point. (i mean, how do other families choose a tree?) . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ the slightly belated conclusion |
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