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Quinn’s second month
3/24 sat
we all slept in till 9 :). had a good night’s sleep- didn’t even need a diaper change until 6 am. woke up well rested. quinn awake and alert but very calm and serene all morning. rainy day. we all went to fred’s this afternoon and quinn rode in his carseat in the shopping cart and liked looking around. mom got to take a 10 minute bath all by herself. then quinn joined her for his second bath which he loved every bit as much as his first. he had a look of amazement and wonder on his face the whole time, my little water child!
3/25 sun
we went for quinn’s first real hike today! we drove out to the columbia river gorge and hiked to elowah falls. quinn rode in the pea pod sling and slept almost the whole time, even when he was zipped inside my raincoat as i hurried across the bridge getting “rained” on by the falls. actually it was a sunny day but the falls were quite swollen at this time of year and even back a ways from the falls, we got our pant legs pretty wet! quinn was awake for a little while when we stopped for a rest, and got to look at the trees.
3/26 mon
rainy day, mostly indoors but we went for a little walk to the park. very awake today for most of the day (except the walk) and eating a lot. maybe a growing day… when dad came home he leaned over quinn while mom changed his diaper and got quinn to suck on his nose… silly dad.
3/27 tues
a rainy day today. quinn woke up at 9 with mom after a good nights sleep. he was awake all morning, being calm and alert, interested in the blinds and the fire in the fireplace. he wore his dolphin-painted clothes today, which won’t fit for very long! he and mom went for a walk in the rain again to mt scott park, then spent the afternoon around the house (awake) bouncing in his chair while mom washed dishes and cuddling together on the couch. mom, dad and quinn went to the store and quinn slept in his carseat the whole time, plus an hour after we got home- a long nap! dad started carving a rattle out of cedar.
3/28 wed
quinn is trying out his vocal cords- his favorites (and ours too!) are “goo” and “how!” he says how when he gets animated and is very alert, whereas goo is sometimes said when he is calm. quinn is spending a lot more time awake during the day than he was in the first 2 weeks we were home. he takes a nap in the sling almost every day, and sometimes sleeps in the boppy on the couch or in his carseat.
3/29 thurs
lots of smiles this morning! quinn sneezed and then i sneezed after him, and he got a big smile on his face. he’s also doing the sign for “feed me” as i put him up to my breast- he gets a look on his face as if he’s in on a big secret together with me, and looks up at me, sort of a conspiratorial smile, puts his fist up to his mouth, then dives in and starts sucking. he wore overalls today for the first time, and he also tried out the stroller; he decided he prefers the sling for walk/naps.
3/30 fri 5 weeks
more big smiles today! his eyes are lighting up when he smiles, and he opens his mouth in a big wide smile. today we went for a short walk while quinn was awake! he rode facing forward in the ella-roo sling, and held onto my fingers as i told him about the things he could see. we saw trees, dogs, a curly willow tree budding new leaves, cars, daffodils, cherry blossoms, and lots of other new spring growth. we had to come home because it started to rain on us.
3/31 sat
more smiles! got out of the house in the ella roo a few times today. once for a short morning walk, then a longer afternoon walk when the sky cleared. quinn napped in the ella roo facing mom. then at night, quinn rode with us to sukita’s as we walked there to stop in briefly at her party. he was popular with the party people. “what a big baby!” and “what a cutie!”
4/1 sun
the family unit went to gifford pinchot national forest (WA) and went on a nice long hike. quinn slept in the car, then in the ella-roo; woke up for a little while at our destination (a lovely secluded campsite by a stream where we hope to camp soon!) then slept during the hike back to the car. we took a nice picture of quinn and dad sitting on a log. then we went home and we had another bath- still popular with the little boy! 🙂 (in spite of dad’s insistence that baths are torture.)
4/2 mon
quinn gets more smiley every day! it is so much fun. he also has gotten much more interested in the toys- he has several rattles that we hold and shake for him, and especially loves the pig toy that hangs above his bouncy chair. this past week i’ve been noticing how much his visual coordination is developing- he used to not notice you until you got just a few feet away, but now he can track us across the toom, and looks up as soon as you enter a room. dad found quinn’s first booger this evening and was very proud. 🙂 drooling a little… early sign of teething already? hmm…
4/3 tues mom’s birthday
special birthday smiles this morning. quinn wore overalls again today. lots of time in the ella roo. dad made mom stir fry for dinner and dad and quinn made mom a special card. not every mom has her baby boy’s butt print preserved for all time…
4/4 wed
lilacs and bleeding hearts in bloom. mom puts on the ellaroo around 9am and takes it off around 9pm, quinn is spending up to 4 hours in the sling per day, mostly for naps. seems to be helping him be calmer in the evenings.
4/5 thurs and 4/6 fri 6 weeks
growing! quinn ate almost double these 2 days. friday he is 6 weeks old, a popular growth spurt age, so they say. also seems to be needing his naps more urgently, but feeding frequently (every 1.5 to 2 hours) through the night.
4/7 sat
quinn slept at least 4 straight hours last night! seems to be coming out of the growth spurt. went on an adventure to the coast today, to cape lookout to watch the gray whale migration. it was rainy on the hike out the cape, and quinn slept all the way in the sling. as we climbed down the end of the cape to be closer to the whales, the wind picked up, although it was raining less. we were getting slightly chilly but quinn was warm and snug inside mom’s raincoat. we did see one whale, very close, as it swam by underneath us. we could see the callosities on its back as its head came near the surface, then watched its dorsal fin break the surface before it sank down again. we saw it surface 3 times, but it was moving very quickly northward and soon it was unable to be seen among the whitecaps. we also saw a bald eagle and dad saw a peregrine falcon. it was quite an adventure climbing back up in the wind, but we made it just fine. mom was very out of breath, but felt good that she was able to do this trip only 6 weeks after giving birth. the hike back in teh cape was green and vibrant. trilliums and fern fiddleheads were lining the trail and all the plants growing on plants growing on trees seemed really vivid.
4/8 sun
sunny beautiful morning. overcast then drizzly later in the day. lazy day. took 2 ellaroo walks and an afternoon nap on the couch.
4/9 mon
several walks. lots of pink trees- ornamental cherries and plums, and dogwoods. tulips everywhere. dad’s spinach is growing in the front flower bed. quinn had lots of smiles this morning, and some new squealy sounds. we took an afternoon bath and nursed in the tub, quinn loves taking baths! the ellaroo is getting lots of mileage.
4/10 tues
midwife appointment- our final one! 🙁 we weighed quinn and he is already 14 lbs 9 oz! he’s doing great! he is 25 inches long now. i ate some cheese so we’ll see if it bothers quinn or not.
4/11 wed
went to mom and baby yoga. quinn did very well, fell asleep at the end of class. then we went for a walk with deirdre and her baby eavan who is 2 days younger than quinn. quinn borrowed eavan’s pig toy from her bouncy chair to help out with an especially difficult diaper change away from home.
4/12 thurs
very overcast rainy day. we took a nap on the couch mid-day instead of our usual sling walk. that was a rare treat for mommy! quinn has the most adorable bed-head hairdos.
4/13 fri 7 weeks
ran into another yoga friend kristen whose son was born on the 22nd. she was also late and knows of a couple of others in what she calls the “little pisces boys good luck club” (she reminded me that our boys also waited for the chinese new year to be born in the year of the pig.)
4/14 sat
in the afternoon we all went to liberty hall where dad helped doug set up sound equipment for a benefit concert for genocide awareness. quinn spent a lot of time in the sling, both sleeping and awake looking around at the scene. he was very mellow for the most part and interested in checking it all out. he especially liked watching dad put the speakers way up high on poles above our heads.
4/15 sun
went for a walk as a family in mt tabor park, then sat on the hillside above the reservoir overlooking the whole city. quinn liked laying on the grass to get his diaper changed and to eat. he was wearing his brown overalls and we had fun tucking daisies in his pocket and taking pictures. earlier in the day mom and quinn napped on the couch with the classical music station on the radio.
4/16 mon
quinn’s vocabulary of goos and hows is expanding. he is trying new things with his voice with volume and pitch that are really fun to hear. yesterday and today he is eating extra, and it could be another growing time we think.
4/17 tues
quinn is developing so much all the time. he is starting to grab our fingers to put in his mouth, when a hand is nearby and he wants to suck. he stands up in our laps and supports his own weight (with just a little help for balance).
4/18 wed
left in afternoon for desert camping trip. arrived after dark at camp spot to snow on the ground! a chilly night, but quinn wore the sweater mom knit for him and a fleece sleep sack and stayed very toasty.
4/19 thurs
woke up to very cold and cloudy weather. later it rained and finally it snowed. played with pooh and duck toys in the tent with mom. went for ellaroo walks with mom and for the first time, dad! loved waking up in sleeping bag and looking up at the camo pattern on the tarp.
4/20 fri 8 weeks
woke up in sleeping bag very content again. spent morning in sling while mom and dad packed up to head for home. stopped to pick up petrified wood and go for a hike on the way home. quinn slept from there all the way home, almost 4 hours!
4/21 sat
dad saw quinn roll from his back to his tummy this morning!
4/22 sun
started riding in baby bjorn with dad and fell asleep in it in the afternoon.
4/23 mon 2 MONTHS!
dad noticed that quinn has the same red highlights in his hair as mom does. can’t believe 2 months have gone by!
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