living frugally has started feeling so decadent. quinn and i made our first batch of cheese. it’s chevre, or goat cheese, made from fresh raw goat milk directly from a local farm. first, you heat it, add a packet of culture, stir it, remove from heat and cover. walk away, go to bed. in the morning when you wake up, you are well on your way to cheese. you spoon the curd into the cheesecloth, which looks like this:
tie it into the cloth, hang it up to drain out the whey, walk away, go to work/out/wherever, all day. come back, and it’s ready. now it looks like this:
the next day, go berry picking and save tons of money on organic fresh food high in antioxidants and all kinds of other nutrients (not to mention all the vitamin D from the sunshine!). it looks a lot like this:
if you did all of that, then your breakfast this morning could have looked like this:
(you know you’re jealous that quinn has diapers that match my plaid pajama pants.) tonight- marionberry crisp with vanilla ice cream (soon we’ll be making the ice cream ourselves too!) and one of these days soon we will try to make sweet cheese crepes with both the berries and the chevre! the possibilities are almost too delicious to consider….
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