
what a whirlwind week! i have been insanely busy with my job, and we have been sidetracked by a week long gift of nice weather… and so not having much to report on a project seems well justified. i did finish touring the two marinas in town looking for boats. the cloud nine II looked “affordable”. a dream boat from an earlier era. listing to both port and starboard (i know that sounds impossible, but trust me) and slumping slowly into the sea. nautical compost heap.

live aboard? not so much. i doubt the rats even want to, at this point…

i have other places upriver to check out… and of course, further reflecting to do on space and timing and choices.

“r” is for reflection… can you see his capital r (which according to him is for pirates)? arrr.

i’ve been plowing through a book that mama-om recommended (anatomy of the spirit by caroline myss) and though i am still reflecting on that as well, i imagine i will post more on that topic of storing emotions in my body. it’s pretty amazing how many things are jumping off the page at me. i am realizing that a lot of my storage of stuff has to do with the need for self expression, the ability to bring my creative self to life, space to speak my truth, that sort of thing. it’s an area where i’ve learned to just clench my jaw tighter rather than spit out what i need to say. or accommodate the storyline of those around me, rather than make room for my storyline to unfold. so now i’m unlearning that (unschooling is for big people, too) and starting to listen for my voice among the rest of the chatter.ย  i think this blog is really a good, good thing for me, that it’s so important for me to come here, because it’s for me, even if i don’t say much of anything at all to you, it’s the intention of it that matters.

since we’re dwelling on our intentions here and all…

i can’t believe how much courage it takes just to live our lives and be ourselves. know what i’m saying?

6 comments to ~dwell~

  • Arr…I love it. And yes…it takes so much courage to just be who we are. To not worry about what everyone else thinks. So happy to know others walking the same path. And I think it was me who recommended Carolyn Myss' book…but maybe Mama-Om too. I wouldn't be surprised. ๐Ÿ™‚ xo
    Debbie recently posted..in search of colour

  • marybethrew

    oh my! yes it was you debbie!!! wow, what a lame-o i am! haha. i'm glad you reminded me of that, and i hope it came as a compliment- i think very highly of you both, obviously! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • You can confuse me with Stacy any day. ๐Ÿ™‚ It's a great book and I'm so glad you are enjoying it. I think I'm going to re-read it again (have already read it twice)…maybe we can chat about our ideas. xo
    Debbie recently posted..in search of colour

  • marybethrew

    yes! that would be awesome!!!

  • V

    Mmmmmmm….. "accommodate the storyline of those around me, rather than make room for my storyline to unfold. so now i’m unlearning that (unschooling is for big people, too) and starting to listen for my voice among the rest of the chatter." Delicious <3

    I LOVE this dwell series you are doing. Wish I was consistent enough to do a series LOL I am living the dwell, though — prepping for our roadlife, through starting to live stuff now (like as simple and green as possible). So much deconstructing going on here, and loving all this stuff I'm using to reconstruct :))
    V recently posted..Im Unschooled Yes I Can Write

  • lau

    "i can’t believe how much courage it takes just to live our lives and be ourselves. know what i’m saying?"

    so true. you are so beautiful and brave. i'm loving these visits to your blog.

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