a friday ritual. a photo capturing a moment from the week. a simple, special moment. a moment i want to pause, savor and remember. inspired by soulemama
~this moment~ “i’m riding a horse!!!”a friday ritual. a photo capturing a moment from the week. a simple, special moment. a moment i want to pause, savor and remember. inspired by soulemama 11 comments to ~this moment~ “i’m riding a horse!!!”Leave a Reply |
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he's wearing the Steggie! i'm all squishy inside 🙂
yes he is, but this picture, with the steggie bumps squished under the helmet, doesn't nearly do it justice. more pics to come soon, but this was taken at the children's festival this past weekend and EVERYONE loved his hat from aunt liz!!!!!
So sweet! That bliss is precious 🙂
Darling! He looks super pleased.
Kimberly recently posted..montessori toddler activity- toothpick jar
You've got to admit though, he looks good in the riding helmet too!
look at that FACE!!pure delight!
Stardove recently posted..Spring Garden Apron in Organic Cotton Twill Floral Print
What a proud moment!! The look on his face says it all :)! Have a great weekend…
MJ recently posted..This moment Fourth times a charm
How fun! Michael had his first pony ride last fall. He loved it.
I'm noticing his shoes…I really like soft-soled leather shoes for Michael, but worry that they would be too slippery/get too wet in the winter. What's your experience? Are they water-proofed?
Lisa C recently posted..The Outing That Wasn’t
lisa- these are the soft star in the style "rambler". the leather is water resistant, and it has a rubber sole with some minor tread. he hasn't had any trouble slipping. he wore through the leather-only soles so fast, and they didn't hold up as well with the non-stop wear that we put on them in the oregon winter, so we tried this style and i've been very pleased, they've held up great.
ooh and you may already know this- they are made in corvallis. 🙂
I didn't know that! Cool. I'm going to look into those. They could be just what I'm looking for.
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