hey local friends ~ connecting to local foods

just want to give a little shout out love for an event i think is going to be great. it’s this weekend.  it’s called “feast” and it’s all about making connections in our local community. quinn and i are big locavores, involved in consumer-supported agriculture (csa), community garden, farmer’s market, buying local seafood from local fishers, fishing for our own, and just about anything that has to do with local foods. i agreed to be in charge of the coffee club at my work, because that way i get to make sure we are buying our (admittedly non-locally, but organically, grown) coffee from a local roaster. so here’s a little plug for what i see as a community group brainstorming session, geared towards bringing more local food consumers and producers and fanatics (ahem) together. info for the event is below (i just copied and pasted the publicity blurb! life is too chaotic for paraphrasing just now!) 🙂

The Lincoln County Community FEAST (Food*Education*Agriculture*Solutions*Together) Workshop takes place on Saturday, April 2nd from 10am to 4pm at the Oregon Coast Community College, Newport Campus, in the Community Room with a local foods lunch provided. The FEAST workshop, facilitated by Sharon Thornberry, Community Food Systems Manager at Oregon Food Bank, is a way to gather input about the direction our community wants to see for their food and agriculture.

The day will feature a local panel painting the picture of food, fisheries, agriculture, farm to school, education programs, public health and food retail in our area. Then we will focus on the direction people want to see for Lincoln County’s food system – what ideas do you have to make food grown or caught here more accessible and affordable? What educational programs are needed to increase nutrition, gardening, healthy eating and farming capacities in our area? What ways can we increase economic development by strengthening our local food economy? Based on the ideas and direction people share, breakout sessions will be formed around different topics or initiatives where each participant can help form a plan for achieving the goals they’d like to see happen. For more information or to RSVP please contact Chloe Rico, chloe.rico@occc.cc.or.us or 541-867-8672.

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