i told my friend i was backflippingly excited about this new technique. i really am! so happy to have stumbled upon the tutorial at this lovely blog!
you should definitely refer there for the instructions, i am not at all going to claim i understand how this works, nor do i even know the definition of “bokeh” which is apparently what this is called- a heart-shaped bokeh. completely jury rigged with construction paper and tape, ’cause that’s how i roll.
impressed, aren’t you? wait. watch this:
this is so much fun!!! i may have to plague you with lots more of my amateur photography practice. lucky for you, it’s a two week wait each time i send out a roll of film for developing. 😉 thank you so much to molly for sharing the awesomeness!
What a totally cool effect!!! How fun is that!
MJ recently posted..Finding a market to love
that's great! i'm so glad you had fun with the project – it is magical 🙂
molly recently posted..Field Trip- Part One
Ah ha! I was just wondering how some fellow flickr members were creating that effect! Totally fun!
Annie recently posted..Ridley Island
oooo….that is really cool! thanks for sharing!!!
I'm absolutely blown away by that. Clearly there's magic afoot. I can see no other logical explanation. Beautiful.
So beautiful…
I may have to break free and try this later today! Thanks for sharing .. and Love the pics of little man. Precious.
These came out just great. And sounds like you had a blast doing them too. I've only used bokeh textures myself.
Mon recently posted..joy pockets
mon, i have no idea what bokeh textures are! really, i meant it, i am sooo amateur! which means there is always something new and fun to explore!
Very cool. I wish I had a fancy enough camera for such fun tricks.
6512 and growing recently posted..This Moment
Lol, this IS cool!
Juliana recently posted..On Being A Paleo Nursing Mama With A Grain-Addicted Toddler
LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How fun. I am impressed. 🙂
[…] used the heart bokeh trick that i talked about a while back, because sunny spring mornings with last night’s rain dripping […]