a friday ritual. a photo capturing a moment from the week. a simple, special moment. a moment i want to pause, savor and remember. inspired by soulemama
~this moment~ mama’s birthday hikea friday ritual. a photo capturing a moment from the week. a simple, special moment. a moment i want to pause, savor and remember. inspired by soulemama 10 comments to ~this moment~ mama’s birthday hikeLeave a Reply |
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That's a mighty nice camera a little person is holding. i bet he got some great pics. happy birthday!
6512 and growing recently posted..Homestead happenings- april
i put the nice camera away before we started picking up the elk poop. 😉
Cute! My little one loves using my camera, too. I love that knitted hat 🙂
perches recently posted..this moment – afternoon run
thank you, and welcome! i love your blog name, i've always loved that dickinson quote. the hat was knitted by my friend amy at true2ewe.com, she is quite an artist!
happy birthday!!!! And whoa, was a thrill to use that camera yes?
MJ recently posted..This moment And then some
meh, he's used to it. 🙂 i limit how many frames he can shoot since i have to pay for developing (i limit me, too!) and we switched to using the phone camera after a while. but he does love it, i've gotten some good pictures of myself this way, though not from the carrier! 😉
I am JEALOUS of his camera! I was just thinking about how it might be a cool time to let our little guy start to use our old, small, digital camera. I bet he'd get some interesting pics!
Visiting via Soulemama. Here's our moment: http://borninjapan.net/2011/04/08/this-moment-40/
welcome danielle! yes indeed, the pictures are truly unique when a kiddo is at the controls. i have this awesome one of me that quinn took where i am sitting in the field, only i am all blurry, and the grass waving in the breeze is what's in focus- so neat! my camera, since nearly everyone has commented on how awesome it looks, lol, is a canon eos rebel G, which i guess is a pretty good one, it has served me very very well for 11 years now. you'd better believe i make sure he has the strap around his neck if he is using it, but again, that is also my rule for myself! 🙂
Happy birthday! It looks like the perfect way to spend it. I love the perspective and the hint of a smile as you watch him.
tinsenpup recently posted..this moment – Unrequited Love
Ah, happy birthday to you Mary Be Threw!!! May all your wishes, hopes & dreams come true for you this year. The photo is great. I too love it when I see photos that 'others' take with my camera. We share lots in common, including our sun sign. It was my birthday on the 6th. Have a wonderful week ahead. Love Katie.