“once there were a lot of people that planted a lot of seeds in the buried heavier in the rocks of the jetty boulders and the trees grew up and grew branches and from the branches shot fireworks!” ~6-30-11 (somewhere in there, i think he means “heather”)
“the top of you smells so good i could eat you up!” ~7-3-11
quinn: what if i died when i was five? would you cry forever and not stop?
me: yes, i would.
quinn: i would cry forever and not stop because i didn’t make it to twenty.
me: i want to make it to one hundred.
quinn: i want to make it to a hundred, too! i want to make it to a thousand! a thousand, mama, please, and then one more after a thousand!
quinn: one time, before i was quinn, i was a pirate captain and i had a ship. i didn’t have a home on land at all, my home was on my ship.
me: how did you like that, having your home be on a ship only? did you wish you had a home on land, or did you like just having a ship for a home?
quinn: i liked it. my only home was on a ship and i liked it.
lots of stories these days begin with “one time, before i was quinn…” or “once i had a brother…”
last night, with sniffly nose:
me: are you feeling sick?
quinn: yes, it’s just that i’m coughing all the time, and my mouth is open and the far distance of my mouth is all salty!
quinn: my sickness seems to be pushing your milk back into you so i can have some to drink! (happy breastfeeding week, y’all!)
ah, so sweet it's deliciously unbearable! i especially love the storytelling, how plausibility is just not necessary. plus the pictures are just gorgeous. happy bfing week to you too!!
mary recently posted..Flutterby
ah, sweet! i love this.
denise recently posted..weekending.