whole new

good bye junk and brokenness! hello beautiful, vibrant, wholeness! huzzah for 2012!

i’ve been unplugged and it has been so nice… no really, sooooo nice. 😉 being plugged back in is fun for things like changing my relationship status on fb, though. (did i mention huzzah?!)

so this will be an incredibly scatterbrained post as my head is in la la land as of late.

quinn’s new axe. (dada dumpster dove a pink kids guitar and souped it up with inlay and paint and lacquer and a pick guard and real tuning machines and quinn strummed away in open tuning- he’s stoked!)

quinn and i went on our yurting adventure the day after christmas. he claimed top bunk when we arrived and, somewhat surprisingly, actually slept there the whole three nights! we got a bit tribal actually and slept when we felt like it, and colored at 2 am when that felt like the right thing… it was stormy so we just snuggled in the womb-like space and got nicely recharged.

playing with his “new” (ebay) legos

i brought along my axe and got some yoga in as well.

quinn is now as enamored with the man in black as i am…

and we had two short breaks in the rainy windy stuff and got out onto that amazing stretch of beach.

see? i was there too.

quinn’s latest pasttime.

so i think i’m declaring that my word of the year (like i know a lot of bloggers do… though i never have done it officially out loud) is “whole.” it is just resonating so much for me right now, and i mean how delicious a thought… to be whole, to feel whole, to shed brokenness and embrace wholeness… i am sure there will be lots more to say on that, and as mentioned, i am not feeling the least bit articulate at the moment! wha? form words? mmmmmm.

a happy whole new year to all!!!

(for those of you who want to join in on a month of unschooling blog hop, i will be posting mine later this week, so stay tuned.)

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