~around the farm~ pocketful of peas

quinn and i made $20 on our produce last wednesday, so now it feels more legitimate to call this an “around the farm” post. not that i was worried about legitimacy, but it was pretty fun to sell some stuff. everyone bought the salad mix with the flowers in it. everyone thought the kale was beautiful, but nobody bought the kale. i love kale, and i have to say, kale chips, now that i have tried making them, are not my favorite way to consume kale! gasp. i’m a green smoothie person, but i also made a nice potato-onion-kale-bacon gratin dish that turned out nicely.

ahem, and what does the backseat of your dodge neon look like?

our leek and carrot seed-saving project at our chaotic community garden plot (which is also the home of our entire garlic crop for the year- soon to be harvested and re-planted as garlic-and-some-other-winter-stuff) stands in stark contrast to our lovely friend’s neat and orderly leek monocrop. (actually she claims it to be a bi-crop, she has two varieties of leek!)

it isn’t much more orderly at home. but the birds and the bees love all the bolted mustards and radishes, crimson clover, and out-of-control nasturtium crop! (there is a hummingbird in this photo, can you see it?)

no hummingbird would turn its beak up at this dinner salad.

even the greenhouse has run completely amok with tomato vines and pepper plants. i finally managed to get my cucumbers to sprout and get them re-potted into their big containers, perhaps too late to get much fruit but there is always hope for a long, mild autumn around these parts.

and one last seen-around-the-farm moment: peas in a work shirt pocket. quoth the recipient, “i never pass up peas.”

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