~rainbow mondays~ tomato surprise


red: ashberry tree behind our living school where a flock of cedar waxwings has arrived on their annual migration to devour every berry.


orange: quinn at the easel, a turtle peeking from his shell.


yellow: a surprise tomato variety in my greenhouse; this tomato seeded itself from a plant i grew last year, i did not intentionally plant one this year. i didn’t know that’s what it was until this first one ripened!


green: duckweed on the pond


blue: steller’s jay in flight

indigo rose

purple: indigo rose tomato; the first on a plant i grew from saved seed… as tomato season everywhere else is winding down, my tomatoes are finally getting started.

~rainbow mondays~

a splash of color on monday morning

a photo study documenting the colors of the spectrum: the balance points between light reflected and light absorbed

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