a photo capturing a moment from the week.
a simple, special moment.
a moment i want to pause, savor and remember
~this moment~ the skipping milestonea photo capturing a moment from the week. a simple, special moment. a moment i want to pause, savor and remember other posts you may enjoy:5 comments to ~this moment~ the skipping milestoneLeave a Reply |
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Oh such a milestone such cuteness
awe. talan skips all the way home from school most days. his first day of school is the first day i’ve ever seen him skip. but if you ask him to skip, he still does this awkward jumping around thing that is not skipping 🙂 i guess school is going okay enough if he just can’t help but skip and twirl home! that or he’s getting all his wiggles out.
oh and talan says: i like him! i wish he was right here, in the office with us.
we sure like you too, talan!!!! so cool the cousins are skipping in synch!
[…] not remember these recent nighttime cries. but, speaking of developmental leaps, the boy is now skipping, which of course is the holy grail of child development, or seemed to be so when we had our […]