~this moment~ check this off the bucket list


hummingbirds IMG_6313

hummingbirds IMG_6332

hummingbirds IMG_6334

hummingbirds IMG_6365

hummingbirds IMG_6379

hummingbirds IMG_6380

hummingbirds IMG_6386

hummingbirds IMG_6389

hummingbirds IMG_6402

hummingbirds IMG_6407

hummingbirds IMG_6413

hummingbirds IMG_6417

hummingbirds IMG_6427

hummingbirds IMG_6428

hummingbirds IMG_6437

hummingbirds IMG_6453

hummingbirds IMG_6447


~a friday ritual~

a photo capturing a moment from the week.

a simple, special moment.

a moment i want to pause, savor and remember

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