a double-header of new york rainbows tonight… the first one is brought to you by quinn! we spent lots of time in apple orchard mode while we were visiting new york this time, and quinn chose to document his own rainbow using my camera during one of our excursions to tag, sample, and collect apples from the 79 (and counting!) rew apple trees.
red: view of an apple in grampy’s outstretched hand from a vantage point i just can’t pull off from my height! i just love this one.
orange: jewelweed
orange: i also don’t get very many pictures of myself from this vantage point.
yellow: the predominant flora of this trip, besides apple trees, was goldenrod!
yellow: grammy with goldenrod backdrop
yellow: mama holding more specimens
green: a green variety in grammy’s hand
green: a caterpillar quinn found
blue: chokecherries, i do believe.
purple: asters will soon compete with goldenrod for most abundant flora…
brown: the antique apple picker – what a great shot! i will have to keep handing him the camera when he asks for it! way to go, quinn!
a splash of color on monday morning evening
a photo study documenting the colors of the spectrum: the balance points between light reflected and light absorbed
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