an elf helped me make some rainbow sprinkle sugar cookies to share with friends!
rainbow… and black and white… veggies from saturday market. yes, yes i do work for a farm that still has fresh local tomatoes and peppers in december!
a found rainbow in the dregs of my lunch salad. thanks to said farm.
another found rainbow on my friend’s kitchen counter.
red: anemone from quinn’s class field trip to the aquarium last friday.
orange: muted sunset over the pacific.
orange: newt high-tailing it underneath my flower box.
yellow: elusive yellow tang, of which quinn made a great drawing in his aquarium scavenger hunt notes.
green: there has been a little sunlight peeking through the drippy clouds.
green: rich spotted this friend when we were on a sunday drive together.
green: my young man got some cool new glasses.
blue: that is a whale spouting over his pokemon-playing shoulder.
blue: impossibly voluminous clouds have been happening.
purple: self care peachy tea flower opening on my friend’s windowsill.
gray: mysterious sunday driver picking me up on the door step so i could skip walking in the hail. (he loves me!)
a splash of color on monday
a photo study documenting the colors of the spectrum: the balance points between light reflected and light absorbed
I know we look forward to some elfing arouharouhnd at our house soon! For my birthday you can help hang the garland!!