28 days of gratitude ~ day 7
i am grateful for the expertise of medical professionals taking care of my parents’ health.
28 days of gratitude ~ day 8
i am grateful for the weekly return of my son. every time.
28 days of gratitude ~ day 9
today i am grateful for large snowflakes;
karate seminars, and people who willingly spend many hours of their lives teaching others to be able to defend themselves from physical violence in the world;
dance performances, and people who dedicate many hours of their lives to creating impermanent acts of breathtaking beauty;
and kitties who spend many hours of their lives worshiping the wood stove.
28 days of gratitude ~ day 10
i am so thankful that my husband lets me put him in arm bars and wrist locks so i can practice my newly learned skills.
28 days of gratitude ~ day 11
thankful for eleven year olds. and for the amazing conversations that happen in the car when we are parked in our own driveway.
28 days of gratitude ~ day 12
in yet another instance of gratitude feedback looping, my mom and i had a heartfelt conversation during which i asked her if she had any elderberry syrup for soothing her sore throat. as i was telling her to do nurturing things for herself, she pointed out that this was always what she has said to me. i had to agree, and shamelessly recycled her words to use back on her. today i feel very grateful for mom, for elderberries, and for self care awareness.
28 days of gratitude ~ day 13
i am grateful for having 3 concerts lined up for 2019! seeing live music with my husband is one of my favorite things. in other online purchasing news, i got rich a new and safer welding hood for work, and when he tried it on, he vaguely resembled darth vader. i expressed doubt that the person in front of me was my husband, so he told me, “search your feelings. you know it to be true.” i’m grateful for both the frequency and intensity of the laughter he brings me.
28 days of gratitude ~ day 14
feeling grateful for my bestie and our ongoing deep understanding of all the things.
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