~30 days of gratitude~ day 1
Today didn’t have any obvious things to set it apart from other days. Coffee and eggs. Handling gross fish guts. Then coming home. Coming home is something I am keenly grateful for, having spent quite a bit of time away from home recently. I’ll say more about the away days in other posts, I’m guessing. But hand in hand with coming home, is who I come home to/come home with, who I sit down and read voter guides with over popcorn, who still builds me and the kitties a wood stove fire every November day. I am grateful for my partner in all of the things, including road trips that are not vacations.
~30 days of gratitude~ day 2
When taking trips that are not vacations, I am grateful for my camera, which gives me a great excuse to take breaks from non-vacationing to collect images of butterflies. Collecting butterflies while not vacationing is a lot like practicing gratitude. You start with an intention. You have to pay close attention. You find them if you look, sometimes in unlikely places. You can’t hold onto them, only notice them. Gratitude and butterflies seem to both teach about letting go. I have been grateful for butterflies in past years, I was grateful for them exactly two years ago today according to the data, but I have been looking hard for butterflies during this season of our lives and they continue to appear and appear.
~30 days of gratitude~ day 3
Grateful for this human and honored to be his mama.
Another november of thankfulness, so glad it started with butterflies!!