slope stabilization

how does one establish a relationship that is built to last, what with all the ephemerality of the world? the passing of days into memory or forgetting, the hurts and slights that have the potential to erode at what originally connected two people, the quirks and morning breath and neglected leg stubble that could garner . . . → Read More: slope stabilization

~rainbow mondays~ bulbasaur, bayou, beets, blue squash

do you ever just think your food is so pretty that you take it outside, arrange a (rainbow) still life, and take a picture?

red: i found this stack of dried leaves curling up in my car from the day quinn and i went to our karate day camp and broke boards. we . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ bulbasaur, bayou, beets, blue squash

~around the farm~ purple poppies

for half of the year, the farm is asleep, and there is not much to post in around the farm. then there is the other half of the year. no time for posting! so much going on! and too many photos to choose from.

we have been enjoying lettuce . . . → Read More: ~around the farm~ purple poppies

plowing the garden

the first pass

quinn asked grampy as soon as he got home from work, the day we arrived, “can i come ride on the tractor with you every time you drive it while i’m here?” the timing of our trip worked out perfectly as we got to be there for both mother’s . . . → Read More: plowing the garden

6 month garden time lapse













other posts you may enjoy:in your mind~this . . . → Read More: 6 month garden time lapse

around the farm

the parental dahlia that furnished the seeds of the new baby mystery dahlias; deep purple foliage and brilliant orange blooms…

… and the results are in! the first mystery baby, grown from saved seeds is yellow!

sunflower volunteer, having been messed with in photoshop to bring out its peachy coloration.

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around the farm


before summer snuck completely by us, we swept the cobwebs out of the playhouse that is sitting right there in our front yard, and made it into quinn’s domain. he set up his kitchen inside, and promptly began to play a game of chess against himself.


speaking of play, our living . . . → Read More: around the farm

~around the farm~ sweet tangerine

the farm now features a chest freezer and a “pantry”. there is no before picture of the pantry because a pile on the floor is too unruly to be captured in pixels, but here is the fuzzy after photo.

there’s my furniture (is a chest . . . → Read More: ~around the farm~ sweet tangerine

~around the farm~ a panda in the bamboo

as i was readying my camera to attempt to take pictures of quinn chasing dragonflies, i got this “awesome” shot of my man’s elbow, and our two grubby yardwork pantlegs. sitting on the bench in the backyard, taking a break, as we do. i love mistake photos that capture just exactly how it is.

. . . → Read More: ~around the farm~ a panda in the bamboo

around the farm ~ heart salads

the bees have moved on to this new favorite attraction. golden-chain tree. fixes nitrogen, makes bees very happy and lights up the yard with bright yellow blooms.

another corner of the yard is painted purple.

one more nice surprise in the shrubbery department is the tall oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium) at the . . . → Read More: around the farm ~ heart salads