By marybethrew, on February 24th, 2014%
pink: frosting color requested by the birthday boy, and provided in hippie cake approximation, according to his specifications. (a separate birthday post will be forthcoming! seven!!!)
orange: newts!
yellow: first daffodil bloom, at the foot of our driveway.
. . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ majestic
By marybethrew, on June 3rd, 2013%
not only do i have rich to thank for the camera that is allowing me to take these photos with wild abandon, i also need to acknowledge him as the primary caretaker of our hummingbird flock. while they are all snuggled into their little hummingbird-down sleepingbags just after dark, and i am connecting . . . → Read More: hummingbird husbandry
By marybethrew, on November 30th, 2012%
~a friday ritual~
photos capturing a moment from the week.
a simple, special moment.
a moment i want to pause, savor and remember.
other posts you may enjoy:~this moment~~rainbow mondays~ foliage~two months in the life of a lifelong learner~ a new eraelevens
By marybethrew, on August 19th, 2011%
~a friday ritual~
a photo capturing a moment from the week.
a simple, special moment.
a moment i want to pause, savor and remember.
other posts you may enjoy:~rainbow mondays~ happy surprises and love everywhere i look~a month of unschool~ keepin’ it realimpermanencewho’s your farmer?
By marybethrew, on August 18th, 2011%
as we approach the peak of gardening abundance, it is hard to squeeze in time to post and share all the beauty and bounty! this will be photo heavy and easy breezy on the words, in that spirit.
my entire last roll of film contained only photos of flowers with either a bird or . . . → Read More: around the farm ~ birds and bees
By marybethrew, on February 11th, 2011%
a friday ritual. a photo capturing a moment from the week. a simple, special moment. a moment i want to pause, savor and remember. inspired by soulemama
other posts you may enjoy:~black and white wednesday~ peaceful lovearound the farm~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ unrivaled unraveling~rainbow mondays~ heart-shaped home
By marybethrew, on December 10th, 2010%
when i moved to the oregon coast i was completely unaware of the fact that it is a migratory corridor for dragonflies. i hadn’t even known dragonflies were migratory. apparently, there are both resident and migratory forms of dragonflies among the many dragonfly species, and seasonal north/south migrations happen all across north america. this phenomenon . . . → Read More: here be dragonflies
By marybethrew, on November 16th, 2010%
he lights up my life. i just recently learned of martinmas, and was intrigued because everyone seems to walk around carrying cool handmade candle lanterns. when i finally read some of the stories of martin of tours, and how he was a soldier who helped a beggar by offering him half of his cloak . . . → Read More: unschoolish weekend
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