
crazy about you . . . → Read More: get

with a voice as big as the sea

I took my camera to document the rose-gold ocean sunset on the shortest day . . . → Read More: with a voice as big as the sea

let your heart be light

Faithful friends who are dear to us Gather near to us once more. . . . → Read More: let your heart be light

tidepool immersion ~ possibility

Rich took the day off for our wedding anniversary and we got to go tidepooling together. . . . → Read More: tidepool immersion ~ possibility

~summer shorts~ thrive

So many of our Western Tiger Swallowtail friends have been hanging around this last week since our butterfly bush bloomed. . . . → Read More: ~summer shorts~ thrive

chicken mole

Spicy and deeply flavorful, a labor of love, inspired by humor. . . . → Read More: chicken mole

joy to the world

A few days into December, I was reflecting on how beneficial the November gratitude challenge is for me – the impetus to write daily warms me up for other writing, and the topic itself is nurturing to my soul. I decided I would like to adopt a topic for December to continue the motivation to . . . → Read More: joy to the world

love is

love is takeout gyros and movie rentals, a scenic drive home on the bay road so we can relax at home.

love is lighting sparklers by ourselves in the yard on the 4th, then heading to bed before the fireworks even think about starting.

love is asking me for a shopping list on Friday . . . → Read More: love is

seven ~ forever is composed of nows

at this life stage, i like to go to the grocery store fewer than once per week, but i went two consecutive days in a row last week. rich asked me to buy him some ricolas, and at the same time we realized we were getting low on t.p. (low for people in middle age, . . . → Read More: seven ~ forever is composed of nows

~thankful thursday~ the slightly belated conclusion

the three of us took a winding sunday drive along the river to cut ourselves a christmas tree. when we got to the one we would take home, a hawk flew overhead and called out. it was such an easy decision at that point. (i mean, how do other families choose a tree?) . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ the slightly belated conclusion