quinn’s nineteenth month ~ happy kin, my enthusiasm and gratitude teacher


grammy, grampy, quinn and i went to seal rock state park beach in the morning. the weather was beautiful. lots of pelicans were perched on the rocks, and quinn is learning the word “seagull”. we went at the right time, because then it rained in the afternoon. we went to the apple . . . → Read More: quinn’s nineteenth month ~ happy kin, my enthusiasm and gratitude teacher

quinn’s eighteenth month ~ muffins in the middle of the night


Quinn managed to stay awake long enough to make it to the beach. We shared a burrito on the walk there- I hate to not sit down for dinner, but most evenings we then have to choose one or the other- dinner OR beach. Too hard a decision, . . . → Read More: quinn’s eighteenth month ~ muffins in the middle of the night

quinn’s seventeenth month ~ busy as a bumbumbee


a blur. Found out we have to go to Portland this weekend. Getting prepared in all my “spare” time. Quinn is a trooper. His only rough spots at daycare seem to be when other parents drop off and pick up their kids, but otherwise he has a great time. They go outside a lot, . . . → Read More: quinn’s seventeenth month ~ busy as a bumbumbee

quinn’s sixteenth month ~ big steps!


memorial day weekend- going to Newport tomorrow to drop off truck and tools.


quinn in carseat a lot today. Went to beach while in Newport, walking distance from new house. Trip home was rough for everybody.


bad fight in middle of the night. Quinn and I came to stay with . . . → Read More: quinn’s sixteenth month ~ big steps!

quinn’s fifteenth month ~ packing, playing, peekaboo and pears

new words this month: Hi Pencil backpack peekaboo car duck play (bay) here there pear cheese


I accepted the job! I called from the park where I had quinn on the swings, and left kym a message that I’m taking it! Wow… big changes coming…


went to the lab to work today . . . → Read More: quinn’s fifteenth month ~ packing, playing, peekaboo and pears

quinn’s fourteenth month ~ bum-bum-bum and dinosaurs

words this month:

Hi Pencil backpack peekaboo car duck play (bay) here there pear cheese


went to japanese gardens today, which was beautiful. Quinn enjoyed the walk. There is a beautiful waterfall, amazing trees and shrubs, a pond with coy swimming in it, and amazing sand paintings.


quinn stayed with susan for . . . → Read More: quinn’s fourteenth month ~ bum-bum-bum and dinosaurs

quinn’s thirteenth month ~ reveling


quinn is a whole year old!!! We have watched him standing up and letting go of his handholds a lot this week- he is getting more and more adventurous all the time. He has mastered the plastic ring stacking game, and he is a pro at sticking out his tongue- he initiates it now, . . . → Read More: quinn’s thirteenth month ~ reveling

quinn’s twelfth month ~ put a lid on it and quinn turns one

1/24 We went to the lab today. Quinn is still not feeling good, but he had a mellow day, just kind of hung out on mommy (this is the day he had his picture taken napping in the sling on my back while i did lab work).

1/25 Quinn woke up at 4am and threw . . . → Read More: quinn’s twelfth month ~ put a lid on it and quinn turns one

quinn’s eleventh month ~ clapping in his sleep and first christmas!

12/24 Christmas eve we spent most of today getting ready to go to the coast to stay in the yurt! Daddy was hidden away in his workshop for a good part of the day, too, so quinn and mommy played and napped and things like that.

12/25 Christmas day

We did christmas at home . . . → Read More: quinn’s eleventh month ~ clapping in his sleep and first christmas!

quinn’s tenth month ~ pulling up and opening things


Now that Quinn has gotten the hang of pulling up to his knees, he has taken it to new venues; on my pant leg, on my swivel chair at the lab. He’ll pull up to his knees on the stereo, and then bop to the music, or if there is no music, we take . . . → Read More: quinn’s tenth month ~ pulling up and opening things