~thankful thursday~ all true

I am grateful that Rich is at least as invested as me in my gratitude posts, and I cannot go to bed without him reminding me that I haven’t written one yet. Good morning, love, I am grateful for you. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ all true

~summer shorts~ firebirth

Though the flames haven’t even subsided, and the hatchling may be weak and covered in all this ash right now, she will eventually emerge powerful and courageous. . . . → Read More: ~summer shorts~ firebirth

thankful thursday ~ heartstrings

today i am grateful for big snowflakes, and a gangly brand new twelve-year-old sprawled on the window seat, describing their movement to me. “i saw three helicoptering ones! and one that was gliding! and look, there’s one that’s just like a parachute!” . . . → Read More: thankful thursday ~ heartstrings

ten ~ an order of magnitude

for grammy and me, and anyone else who would like to go back and revisit previous birthdays…

last year i was startled to realize that quinn was halfway to 18, and now suddenly he’s halfway to 20. for some reason, time . . . → Read More: ten ~ an order of magnitude

recollections from the tummy

“when you were growing inside my tummy, i ate lots and lots of these little oranges. i always love getting them every year now, because it reminds me of when you were in there.”

“yeah! when i was in your tummy and you would eat the little oranges, it made me . . . → Read More: recollections from the tummy

~quinn’s forty-third month~ untamed wildness

~written november 2018~

“there’s a line of babies. which one would you choose?” still exploring the concept of being born, his wording of a line of babies was still the imagery he returned to. whether he was recalling something from before his birth, or describing his . . . → Read More: ~quinn’s forty-third month~ untamed wildness

on being born

quotes from my three-and-a-half year old (he just celebrated his half birthday!) on babies, and the way they are born….


“now i’m big. i used to be a little guy/little baby, but then i got bigger, and now i’m big!” around this time he was . . . → Read More: on being born