a little more 2024

There were fireflies. . . . → Read More: a little more 2024

~thankful thursday~ light cone

They are growing on me, these dark-dwelling light-makers with their soft, transparent hearts. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ light cone


Spirals with multiple injuries, cracks and gouges, jagged edged and hard like shards, like knives ready to inflict instead of being inflicted upon. Some whose edges are once again smooth, ready to soothe, ready to scoop sand and shimmer. . . . → Read More: Galveston

kodiak kaleidoscope

Did you know that one of the collective nouns for puffins is “an improbability of puffins?” . . . → Read More: kodiak kaleidoscope

~thankful thursday~ everywhere and nowhere

I am grateful for hope, which appears in this moment not as a thing with feathers, but with fur. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ everywhere and nowhere

~rainbow mondays~ lighter

“…we step out of the shade aflame and unafraid, the new dawn blooms as we free it, for there is always light if only we are brave enough to see it, if only we are brave enough to be it.” — Amanda Gorman, The Hill We Climb. . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ lighter

a boatswain’s crepuscular ditty

With your mind empty and clear, individual words roll under you like the waves. . . . → Read More: a boatswain’s crepuscular ditty

~thankful thursday~ seed bank

I was putting away seeds from the flowers I grew this summer, knowing I would need to have the memory of past flowers and the hope of future flowers tucked in a safe place in order to get through the flowerless days. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ seed bank

~summer shorts~ a list of emptied spaces

Hundreds of geese huddled along the edge of the bay as we drove through foggy smoke after picking up pizza for date night at home. Robins had sat in the grass all day looking stunned. So much dryness. So much stillness after such a turbulent wind. The lawn crunched under my feet as I pick pears up off the ground, embarrassed by the plenty falling into my hands while others are losing everything, or still waiting to hear the outcomes of their everything. . . . → Read More: ~summer shorts~ a list of emptied spaces

~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ resilience and reciprocity

In quinn’s theatre camp performance this year, he was a battle-weary nutcracker toy who came to life with his gang of other animated toys (a ballerina on whom he had a crush, a teddy bear who liked to give him hugs when he would have war flashbacks, and a jack in the box) who all together came to life to try and save the toy shop from the evils of online shopping. . . . → Read More: ~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ resilience and reciprocity