~summer shorts~ circle geometry

The circle of life encompasses all, yet sometimes seems to have a frustratingly small diameter. Walking towards the Chelsea Rose to buy some salmon, my eyes glanced at each plaque lining the bay front, those on the many benches donated in memoriam, as well as the tiles cemented into the sidewalk, defiant attempts at permanence . . . → Read More: ~summer shorts~ circle geometry

non-attachment for attachment parents

i don’t wanna strive for nothin’ anymore

i just wanna lie here with you

keep the wolves outside the door.

~ani difranco

photo by quinn

when my coparent took my boy away for 22 days, there was a lot of letting go i had . . . → Read More: non-attachment for attachment parents


it’s sort of an in-between sleep and awake swirled around place, that milky time between mama and babe, the sum of all those times as the babe is tiny medium bigger biggest oh so big i can’t let him lean over me to get “the other milk” anymore or my rib cage will implode… it’s . . . → Read More: mamamilklove

simple poems and stories

“once there were a lot of people that planted a lot of seeds in the buried heavier in the rocks of the jetty boulders and the trees grew up and grew branches and from the branches shot fireworks!” ~6-30-11 (somewhere in there, i think he means “heather”)

“the top of . . . → Read More: simple poems and stories

gradual milestones

there is a so much right now… it’s overwhelmingly sweet and poignant and heart-wrenching and growth-promoting… i leave on a 10-day research cruise in less than two weeks, and finally was able to start that conversation with quinn, after much hemming and hawing and stalling on my part.

it was pushing 9:30 sunday night. . . . → Read More: gradual milestones

all the world’s a boat

i’ve already gone on and on here about how my son will take a piece of rope and a beach-combed crab pot buoy and play “boat” for hours in a laundry basket… but it’s not just his imaginitive play world. his entire world centers around boats….

last night we finally “carved” our green pumpkin (heheheh. . . . → Read More: all the world’s a boat


i’m in seattle for work for a couple of days… my kiddo sounds like he’s doing great at home with dada. oh, hello my old breast pump friend, haven’t spent time with you in a long while… oh hello self, you haven’t spent this much time alone with me in a loooooong while! (got . . . → Read More: travel

~this moment~ normal

A Friday ritual. A single photo capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

other posts you may enjoy:~this moment~~a month of unschool~ chickenasaurus~black and white wednesday~ i can’t keep quietsimmering a rew part 1 ~ soup starter

quinn’s eighteenth month ~ muffins in the middle of the night


Quinn managed to stay awake long enough to make it to the beach. We shared a burrito on the walk there- I hate to not sit down for dinner, but most evenings we then have to choose one or the other- dinner OR beach. Too hard a decision, . . . → Read More: quinn’s eighteenth month ~ muffins in the middle of the night

quinn’s eleventh month ~ clapping in his sleep and first christmas!

12/24 Christmas eve we spent most of today getting ready to go to the coast to stay in the yurt! Daddy was hidden away in his workshop for a good part of the day, too, so quinn and mommy played and napped and things like that.

12/25 Christmas day

We did christmas at home . . . → Read More: quinn’s eleventh month ~ clapping in his sleep and first christmas!