
I don’t have many photos of the Neon, but hunting through photos shows me all the places the little car took us; in a sense, it’s just outside the frame of every picture. . . . → Read More: neon


crazy about you . . . → Read More: get

sixteen ~ oxygen

That’s XVI for you Roman numeral fans. . . . → Read More: sixteen ~ oxygen

with a voice as big as the sea

I took my camera to document the rose-gold ocean sunset on the shortest day . . . → Read More: with a voice as big as the sea

~thankful thursday~ peanut butter

I am grateful for the way these gratitudes, post-it-note and placard-sized, and every size in between, collect into a quirky little bundle each year and make a kind of sense together, put off a sort of warmth, a little light, they almost hum. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ peanut butter

~thankful thursday~ feathered and furry friends

I’m grateful he is and has always been the kind of man who, when he sees a feral kitten, does not see a throwaway, but a treasured furball. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ feathered and furry friends

~thankful thursday~ celebrating bigger

I’m grateful to be quitting this business of staying small and keeping it all under wraps. Also grateful for my vote and to all who vote for women not to have to stay small. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ celebrating bigger

banner day

A long-held dream comes true. . . . → Read More: banner day


From the music of the spheres to the music of our own solar system, fifteen is a special number. . . . → Read More: fifteen~love

let your heart be light

Faithful friends who are dear to us Gather near to us once more. . . . → Read More: let your heart be light