~two months in the life of a lifelong learner~ anthropomorphization of vegetables

lifelong holidays learning!


one saturday rich was working so i brought quinn to farmer’s market with me. i parked him in front of my display that i was building and had him put bundles of broccoli raab into a rainbow arch around the basket where the bell peppers would be going, and he . . . → Read More: ~two months in the life of a lifelong learner~ anthropomorphization of vegetables

~two months in the life of a lifelong learner~ turrets and portcullises

minecraft fortress building was a frequent occupation these past two months. quinn has also been inspired to build games in scratch, making use of a book fair purchase to familiarize with how to use code within the scratch framework to generate a game.

birthday books; on the right, . . . → Read More: ~two months in the life of a lifelong learner~ turrets and portcullises

make like a geek ~ piper’s toolbox

i discovered piper’s toolbox thanks to an instagram post by a mama blogging friend, just in time for it to be the perfect birthday present for my delightfully geeky young man. there are plenty of blog posts covering the background and technical details of this amazing kit for aspiring young computer geeks, so i will . . . → Read More: make like a geek ~ piper’s toolbox