By marybethrew, on May 23rd, 2024%
Spirals with multiple injuries, cracks and gouges, jagged edged and hard like shards, like knives ready to inflict instead of being inflicted upon. Some whose edges are once again smooth, ready to soothe, ready to scoop sand and shimmer. . . . → Read More: Galveston
By marybethrew, on February 13th, 2021%
With your mind empty and clear, individual words roll under you like the waves. . . . → Read More: a boatswain’s crepuscular ditty
By marybethrew, on November 30th, 2018%
but now it’s time to sing the last verse of the song for this year. the part of the song where it all comes together metaphorically and the sound waves ripple through the air to touch your heart, and though it has the same melody as before, there are several strains of harmony woven in now, and when you get to the chorus, you reach down to your toes to send the last few notes up a third or a fifth or an octave. you take it higher, you take it on home. you know, that part of the song. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ in which we sing the last verse
By marybethrew, on April 14th, 2018%
i’ve been spending hours each day in a walk-in freezer, straddling two different lab jobs which is marginally better than a lapse in funding. the arctic cod eggs in my care are beginning to hatch, and the spring equinox felt like an auspicious occasion for their entrance. when i emerge each day from 2 degrees . . . → Read More: a pirate looks at 40
By marybethrew, on December 2nd, 2016%
in the more immediate sense, i was under a dark cloud, and my thankfulness gland wasn’t functioning properly. i had a vague a feeling of “at least i don’t live in aleppo,” but that just made me feel guilty that i wasn’t getting an A in the gratitude challenge when i should, since i don’t live in aleppo. imagine being ungrateful for all the nachos i am blessed to be eating lately. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ sailor hair don’t care
By marybethrew, on April 6th, 2016%
my 38th birthday started off a little bit earlier than i might have preferred, but it was for a good reason. i needed to feed my 32 tanks full of larval herring their breakfast, which is a 2-hour process each morning, and i am the sunday fish feeder… and instead of doing that work from . . . → Read More: 38 is great!
By marybethrew, on July 11th, 2012%
i took a lot of pictures while i was on a boat for ten days. if you had to scroll down through every photo i took of water while attempting to get a dolphin photo, you’d be here for a few hours. i’m only giving you a few of the water shots, so you . . . → Read More: camera shy
By marybethrew, on July 2nd, 2012%
my posts will be short and infrequent this week as i readjust to life on land. xoxo
other posts you may enjoy:~thankful thursday~ sailor hair don’t care~this moment~ ~thankful thursday~ glow slug38 is great!
By marybethrew, on July 11th, 2011%
photo-heavy post in which i attempt to recreate a once-in-a-lifetime experience for my readers. you kinda had to be there, but… this is my best representation of what it was like, to see them coming from the distance, from far away off the port side. wait, what? we’re 21 nautical miles offshore, . . . → Read More: dolphin day
By marybethrew, on July 8th, 2011%
~a friday ritual~
a photo capturing a moment from (technically, last) week.
a simple, special moment.
a moment i want to pause, savor and remember.
other posts you may enjoy:kitty lossnine is divine!~rainbow mondays~ float~dwell~
download ~30 days of gratitude~ e-books
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