with a voice as big as the sea

I took my camera to document the rose-gold ocean sunset on the shortest day . . . → Read More: with a voice as big as the sea

100 monthaversary ~ going-to-the-sun

Take a virtual drive along Going-to-the-Sun Road beside mountains, wildflowers, and rainbow-rock lakes. . . . → Read More: 100 monthaversary ~ going-to-the-sun

~thankful thursday~ chronologically beset

Now it’s really going to take me a while to get back Asia. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ chronologically beset

~thankful thursday~ butterfly effect

The tree-filtered sunlight projected the smiley faces drawn on the frosty bus windows across the gray seat backs, and they danced and smiled and stretched larger as we drove along. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ butterfly effect

~thankful thursday~ it’s working

not that long ago, i was reading buoy to a three-year old who was obsessed with boats; he built himself a kayak this summer, and in just over a year he plans on riding a gondola down the watery streets of venice. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ it’s working

~thankful thursday~ stoking the gratitude fire

looking around on a day like this, prepping for a big feast, it’s easy to feel gratitude for all the abundance surrounding us. the food is bountiful and fresh, the boy cranking the apple slicer has grown into a competent helper, loved ones are close at hand, and a kitty is in the empty ham box. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ stoking the gratitude fire


there’s a lot of life being lived right now, and not a lot of spare time to write about it, but i couldn’t let today go by without marking its significance. as of today, rich and i have spent 5 and a half years together… and in exactly one month, we will be married!

. . . → Read More: dorkaversary