~thankful thursday~ celebrating bigger

I’m grateful to be quitting this business of staying small and keeping it all under wraps. Also grateful for my vote and to all who vote for women not to have to stay small. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ celebrating bigger

banner day

A long-held dream comes true. . . . → Read More: banner day

~thankful thursday~ stoking the gratitude fire

looking around on a day like this, prepping for a big feast, it’s easy to feel gratitude for all the abundance surrounding us. the food is bountiful and fresh, the boy cranking the apple slicer has grown into a competent helper, loved ones are close at hand, and a kitty is in the empty ham box. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ stoking the gratitude fire

~rainbow mondays~ stop and smell the roses

and now, back to our regularly scheduled monday program.

not sure what color to name it, but it seemed like a good way to begin the week.

red: busy times. but you gotta make sure you stop and smell the roses.

orange: watch cat awaiting our return.

yellow: vacation lilies . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ stop and smell the roses

~rainbow mondays~ happy surprises and love everywhere i look

just 23 of my favorite images from the past few busy weeks.


red: seeing the vacation house spring blooms appearing is a happy side effect of living there 2 or 3 seasons longer than we originally anticipated. it has continued to be a haven of beautiful wonders to behold, you gotta love . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ happy surprises and love everywhere i look

woodstove prayer

back on the home hunt, i am reminded of our peculiar set of non-negotiables in a house we might buy.

hers: bathtub

his: woodstove

i claim that he has more criteria than i do, including high ceilings, a garage and/or a basement he can use as a workshop, and generally, more space. i have some . . . → Read More: woodstove prayer

a fond farewell to dragon house 1.0

we have moved! we had to bid a fond farewell to dragon house 1.0, however, we are taking our dragons, and our memories, with us. dragon vacation house is a comfortable stopover on our way to dragon house 2.0!

a little photo stroll down memory lane…



. . . → Read More: a fond farewell to dragon house 1.0