egg season

All the furred and feathered friends of Yaquina Bay have been very excited, flocking and frolicking around. . . . → Read More: egg season

tender and mild


I am placing this image of nine-years-ago Quinn drawing a whole bunch of baby dinosaurs “standing on the floor of the egg” here to signify that there’s a lot of writing going on, gestating behind the scenes. The sun ball lamp might be my egg incubator, and I am waking up early to . . . → Read More: tender and mild

~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ character building

…a never encountered dragon that could only be seen as a shadow or sometimes a bend in the light… . . . → Read More: ~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ character building

~thankful thursday~ three little birds

They might just be three little birds, but they remind me that every little thing is gonna be alright. That doesn’t mean it will be easy or that there won’t be fearful things. It means this too shall pass. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ three little birds

~rainbow mondays~ embryonic

~rainbow mondays~

a splash of color on monday morning

a photo study documenting the colors of the spectrum: the balance points between light reflected and light absorbed

other posts you may enjoy:thoughts from the other side of the world~rainbow mondays~ middle . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ embryonic

~rainbow mondays~ april may



















~rainbow mondays~

a splash of color on monday

. . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ april may

~two months in the life of a lifelong learner~ enfolded eggs part 1

camp boss informed me that comments were inadvertently closed on the previous lifelong learner post. i have updated it so commenting is back on, and can only assume wordpress is punishing me for my 5770-word verbosity. i have not reformed myself, in fact this post is split into parts because it got out of hand . . . → Read More: ~two months in the life of a lifelong learner~ enfolded eggs part 1

~black and white wednesday~



other posts you may enjoy:~black and white wednesday~ strand~a month of unschool~ millions of brazilians~a month of unschool~ opting in~black and white wednesday~ the least of . . . → Read More: ~black and white wednesday~

~rainbow mondays~ birds, blossoms and a rainbow of eggs

happy rainbow easter monday!

it’s an overdue, overstuffed rainbow of eggs and flower buds and all things symbolic of springing forth new life! hurray for spring!

psst! rubber bands were a fun, accidental discovery for using what we had on hand for egg dying!

pink: sunrise on sunrader

red: . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ birds, blossoms and a rainbow of eggs

~quinn’s forty-first month~ now i’m free!

~written november 2018~

at times during this particular era of quinn’s childhood, i remarked about things he had said or done that day which i hoped to remember because they had blown me away. i know i only jotted down a small fraction, and then half of what i wrote turned to . . . → Read More: ~quinn’s forty-first month~ now i’m free!