~summer shorts~ circle geometry

The circle of life encompasses all, yet sometimes seems to have a frustratingly small diameter. Walking towards the Chelsea Rose to buy some salmon, my eyes glanced at each plaque lining the bay front, those on the many benches donated in memoriam, as well as the tiles cemented into the sidewalk, defiant attempts at permanence . . . → Read More: ~summer shorts~ circle geometry

~rainbow mondays~ self care september

two-thirds of the way through the month, i declared self-care september. i do not go gently into this particular season change, so i have started taking vitamins, brewing chai, ordering ingredients for making myself a vat of herbal iron supplement, and saying yes to all of the things i know will feed my soul: . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ self care september

~black and white wednesday~ looking up

other posts you may enjoy:non-attachment for attachment parents~black and white wednesday~ spring texturessetting the tone~black and white wednesday~ love letter with no . . . → Read More: ~black and white wednesday~ looking up

39 ~ letters in the sand

i had wanted to say more during women’s history month, but here we are slingshot into the month of april, and 2 of my 3 big events of the year have come and gone. quinn is 10! i am 39! and our wedding is a few short months away, for which we are giddy with . . . → Read More: 39 ~ letters in the sand

~rainbow mondays~ the whole spectrum

i am a summer girl at heart, but early spring is a very happy time of year for me, because of all the hopeful new beginnings, new growth, and flowers! the first flowers after the longest period of going without flowers are some of the sweetest. part of the changing of seasons for me . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ the whole spectrum

ephemeral ~ word for 2017

my word for 2017 seems to be ephemeral. it’s a little bit different, as words-of-the-year go, but it keeps popping up in my mind, and going away again, only to pop up again later. most of my thoughts are… ephemeral like that. they ebb and flow. i have a running joke about my memory with . . . → Read More: ephemeral ~ word for 2017