~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ i’ve gotta be me

farm tour!

quinn got to wield the allen wrench and build his bed once again… this time at dragon house 2.0, age 9. flashback to dragon house 1.0, age 5!

some fun foods of . . . → Read More: ~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ i’ve gotta be me

~black and white wednesdays~ kids these days

other posts you may enjoy:~quinn’s forty-fourth month~ storm season~rainbow mondays~~this moment~ contentmentfour . . . → Read More: ~black and white wednesdays~ kids these days

~rainbow mondays~ stop and smell the roses

and now, back to our regularly scheduled monday program.

not sure what color to name it, but it seemed like a good way to begin the week.

red: busy times. but you gotta make sure you stop and smell the roses.

orange: watch cat awaiting our return.

yellow: vacation lilies . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ stop and smell the roses

~a month of unschool~ wild and woolly

both mama and quinn have been spending lots of our passion for learning and time and energy devoted to gardening and vicarious farming endeavors.

quinn enjoys watering and harvesting quite a bit. he got to help collect eggs at our friends’ farm one night.

. . . → Read More: ~a month of unschool~ wild and woolly