~thankful thursday~ hope and home

At some point the next day I will remember that it doesn’t matter what the reading on the gratitude gauge says, what matters is showing up for it. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ hope and home

~summer shorts~ thrive

So many of our Western Tiger Swallowtail friends have been hanging around this last week since our butterfly bush bloomed. . . . → Read More: ~summer shorts~ thrive

~rainbow mondays~ blooming

Posting from Aurora, Colorado, this morning as we have been stuck in an epic airline debacle overnight on our way home from Adulting In Oklahoma Part II. It feels appropriate that there are so many pictures of columbine . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ blooming

~black and white wednesday~ time



other posts you may enjoy:~black and white wednesdays~ all i ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by~this moment~~lifelong learner supplemental photos~ paleontology camp~black and white wednesday~ . . . → Read More: ~black and white wednesday~ time

tidepool immersion ~ pink moon low tide

I don’t often get photos of feather duster worms, so this was a special treat. . . . → Read More: tidepool immersion ~ pink moon low tide

~rainbow mondays~ vernal


~rainbow mondays~

a splash of color on monday morning

a photo study documenting the colors of the spectrum: the balance points between light . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ vernal

~rainbow mondays~ equanimity

I perch and hover on this equinox, my compass needle steadying but this orienting is an active state, an attentive tending. . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ equanimity

~rainbow mondays~ reflect

One of the things I’d like to remember for this year is finding out that going inward allowed me to, paradoxically, expand in ways I wouldn’t have guessed. . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ reflect

~rainbow mondays~ among


~rainbow mondays~

a splash of color on monday morning

a photo study documenting the colors of the spectrum: the balance points between light reflected and light absorbed

other posts . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ among

~thankful thursday~ caterpillar care

…the wind bathing us in fresh air after a year in which breathing has become much more sacred, the eagle dancing above the rainbow-glazed waterfall… . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ caterpillar care