~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ smuggle in a dinosaur

~february 23 through march 23~

The day after quinn’s birthday, as soon as sleepover friends went home we set out for a visit to see/meet our new pancake w. rich had met her on the day she was born, but this would be quinn’s and my first . . . → Read More: ~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ smuggle in a dinosaur

~summer shorts~ circle geometry

The circle of life encompasses all, yet sometimes seems to have a frustratingly small diameter. Walking towards the Chelsea Rose to buy some salmon, my eyes glanced at each plaque lining the bay front, those on the many benches donated in memoriam, as well as the tiles cemented into the sidewalk, defiant attempts at permanence . . . → Read More: ~summer shorts~ circle geometry

slope stabilization

how does one establish a relationship that is built to last, what with all the ephemerality of the world? the passing of days into memory or forgetting, the hurts and slights that have the potential to erode at what originally connected two people, the quirks and morning breath and neglected leg stubble that could garner . . . → Read More: slope stabilization

ephemeral ~ word for 2017

my word for 2017 seems to be ephemeral. it’s a little bit different, as words-of-the-year go, but it keeps popping up in my mind, and going away again, only to pop up again later. most of my thoughts are… ephemeral like that. they ebb and flow. i have a running joke about my memory with . . . → Read More: ephemeral ~ word for 2017

~rainbow mondays~ treasure

i am finally setting up my shell table, the one i mentioned in previous new york posts, which was an ordeal to ship out to oregon, but finally made it out here this year. the week off after christmas always allows for random nebulous projects to progress, and i finally dove in and unpacked some . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ treasure

grapeful weekend


i was having a rough friday afternoon. the transitions between mama’s and dada’s have been key stress points for all of us, and i want to say that this is true mostly of quinn, but i have to admit, on average the transitions are the highest stress level of my day to . . . → Read More: grapeful weekend

nature nurtures

unschooling: lesson plans are not needed. what is needed is flexibility, the ability to think on the fly, the ability to add just enough dry kindling to fuel but not smother, blow just the right amount of air towards the tiny sparks that with just a little coaxing will turn into sturdy cooking flames of . . . → Read More: nature nurtures