By marybethrew, on August 21st, 2013%
i have been digging deeply in the past few weeks, looking ahead to the upcoming season in quinn’s educational journey (as well as my own) and trying to weave together a plan to meet all of our needs (for education, community, income to cover our bills, food, airfare to new york next spring). i think . . . → Read More: digging deeply
By marybethrew, on July 16th, 2012%
i’m moving. officially. it’s a happy move. a very happy, very much in love move. very.
oregon country fair. at 8 pm quinn succinctly put it, ” the fair was fun. now i’m tired.” i haven’t been to fair in years, and for a long time it was a place full of shadows . . . → Read More: bullet points
By marybethrew, on May 23rd, 2012%
on a thursday morning i went to look for kitty at my house but there was still no sign of her. she had not come in on tuesday when i called . . . → Read More: kitty
By marybethrew, on February 1st, 2012%
quinn’s favorite crayon at the moment is red violet. he has been choosing to color in bed before going to sleep most nights lately, and over the weekend i went in to turn off his light and he had red violet laying directly in the center of his chest, safely tucked there for sleep. . . . → Read More: red violet
By marybethrew, on October 4th, 2011%
i was having a rough friday afternoon. the transitions between mama’s and dada’s have been key stress points for all of us, and i want to say that this is true mostly of quinn, but i have to admit, on average the transitions are the highest stress level of my day to . . . → Read More: grapeful weekend
By marybethrew, on May 5th, 2011%
unschooling: lesson plans are not needed. what is needed is flexibility, the ability to think on the fly, the ability to add just enough dry kindling to fuel but not smother, blow just the right amount of air towards the tiny sparks that with just a little coaxing will turn into sturdy cooking flames of . . . → Read More: nature nurtures
By marybethrew, on January 27th, 2011%
what a whirlwind week! i have been insanely busy with my job, and we have been sidetracked by a week long gift of nice weather… and so not having much to report on a project seems well justified. i did finish touring the two marinas in town looking for boats. . . . → Read More: ~dwell~
By marybethrew, on January 13th, 2011%
i couldn’t agree more with lisa at visionary mom that once we have formed an intention, the way to bring it to life is to dwell in it. simple as that- you live it, breathe it and talk about it, give it energy. so very law of attraction, i think! i love her idea so . . . → Read More: ~dwell~
By marybethrew, on October 29th, 2010%
there was a progression. i was going to be an artist when i grew up. then i was introduced to the ocean… myself the artist drew a lot about the ocean. i ended up a biologist, who dabbles in scientific illustration. i think at some point i was planning on training dolphins. then . . . → Read More: the dolphin progression
By marybethrew, on October 15th, 2010%
one of my first tastes of unschooling might have been when i spent my first 9 weeks aboard the schooner Harvey Gamage. i just dug out my journal from SEAmester, and the entry from our first day of sailing (3-3-98) included this:
“earlier today we ate breakfast, swabbed the decks, and then the crew let . . . → Read More: unschooling, schooner style
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