~thankful thursday~ light cone

They are growing on me, these dark-dwelling light-makers with their soft, transparent hearts. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ light cone

~thankful thursday~ glow slug

This creature lives at thousands of feet, under the extreme pressure and incredible darkness of the midnight zone, where the soft-bodied animal creates its own light. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ glow slug

~thankful thursday~ flyer

Family is wonderful and weird, and sometimes you learn something that makes you make more sense to yourself. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ flyer

~thankful thursday~ all true

I am grateful that Rich is at least as invested as me in my gratitude posts, and I cannot go to bed without him reminding me that I haven’t written one yet. Good morning, love, I am grateful for you. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ all true

~thankful thursday~ yet to let me down

I had to hold my head a certain way to overlay the light reflections across, say, a butterfly. How I hold my head seems important to practicing gratitude, to finding light. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ yet to let me down

with a voice as big as the sea

I took my camera to document the rose-gold ocean sunset on the shortest day . . . → Read More: with a voice as big as the sea

~thankful thursday~ soft walls

I keep turning toward it, and it keeps being there to greet me. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ soft walls

~thankful thursday~ celebrating bigger

I’m grateful to be quitting this business of staying small and keeping it all under wraps. Also grateful for my vote and to all who vote for women not to have to stay small. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ celebrating bigger

juneuary beaches

in which I share the photos I keep scrolling back through, from that one week in January. . . . → Read More: juneuary beaches

let your heart be light

Faithful friends who are dear to us Gather near to us once more. . . . → Read More: let your heart be light