a little more 2024

There were fireflies. . . . → Read More: a little more 2024

kodiak august edition

Until next year, Kodiak. . . . → Read More: kodiak august edition

banner day

A long-held dream comes true. . . . → Read More: banner day

~thankful thursday~ hope and home

At some point the next day I will remember that it doesn’t matter what the reading on the gratitude gauge says, what matters is showing up for it. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ hope and home

~thankful thursday~ everywhere and nowhere

I am grateful for hope, which appears in this moment not as a thing with feathers, but with fur. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ everywhere and nowhere

tidepool immersion~blue inside

On the farthest stretch, the crabs are less accustomed to having to hide from hikers, and they plop and tumble into tidepools, scuttle and skitter under eelgrass clumps. . . . → Read More: tidepool immersion~blue inside

~summer shorts~ a list of emptied spaces

Hundreds of geese huddled along the edge of the bay as we drove through foggy smoke after picking up pizza for date night at home. Robins had sat in the grass all day looking stunned. So much dryness. So much stillness after such a turbulent wind. The lawn crunched under my feet as I pick pears up off the ground, embarrassed by the plenty falling into my hands while others are losing everything, or still waiting to hear the outcomes of their everything. . . . → Read More: ~summer shorts~ a list of emptied spaces