~thankful thursday~ all true

I am grateful that Rich is at least as invested as me in my gratitude posts, and I cannot go to bed without him reminding me that I haven’t written one yet. Good morning, love, I am grateful for you. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ all true

~rainbow mondays~ may wei

there is a whooshing sound that always seems to accompany the passage of the month of may.

i spend my weekdays pouring large volumes of water from one vessel into another, and while that is an oversimplification of what i do for my paycheck, it is how i choose to look at it when i . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ may wei

~black and white wednesday~ love not fear

75 years ago, on february 19, 1942, executive order 9066 was signed, enabling the incarceration of japanese americans. our federal government stole 3 years of the lives of over 100,000 people, stole their livelihoods and dignity as well, in many cases. they did this in the name of national security. the rights of these people . . . → Read More: ~black and white wednesday~ love not fear

a year in the life of a lifelong learner

i have been delinquent on posting ~a month of unschool~ for so many months now, that it is time for an update on a whole year! i gave up on the idea of back-dating the posts and decided to do one giant long post of the whole year in the life of one . . . → Read More: a year in the life of a lifelong learner

miles under my moccasins

i’m lying with my eyes still closed, most of my head huddled under the covers trying to ward off hypothermia (rich opened windows in the middle of the night without knowing he did so, and also my hair takes 28 hours to dry and i had taken my fortnightly shower just before bed). i am . . . → Read More: miles under my moccasins

~this moment~ snuggling with mama 1.29.12


this time i am the big person and quinn is the tiny one being snuggled. in a red violet bed.

all will be well soon, quinn. i miss you so much.

quinn drew this the last day i saw him, which was last sunday. as you can . . . → Read More: ~this moment~ snuggling with mama 1.29.12


“i am neither christian, nor jewish, nor muslim. doing away with duality, i saw the two worlds as one. i seek One, i know One, i see One, and i call One.”

— The Life and Thought of Rumi

other posts you may enjoy:~a month of unschool~ millions of . . . → Read More: one


even as i feel i am grasping this concept, it is like water slipping through my fingers to try to articulate. in my tangible world right now, things are changing moment to moment, and each moment has high stress potential… …but i can walk through it with integrity, then look back and see myself for who i am, and drink in the truth that everything i need, i have. . . . → Read More: surrender

~this moment~ be here now

a friday ritual. a photo capturing a moment from the week. a simple, special moment. a moment i want to pause, savor and remember. inspired by soulemama

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~this moment~ and then they walked off into the sunset

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