~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ a may zing!

the last lifelong learner post was posted over 6 months ago! wheeee, 2017! so it’s time for a lifelong learner catch-up series. do people binge-read blog posts?

time traveling back to the end of april….

self-initiated dragon-drawing lessons. he got this book out of the . . . → Read More: ~a month in the life of a lifelong learner~ a may zing!

a year in the life of a lifelong learner

i have been delinquent on posting ~a month of unschool~ for so many months now, that it is time for an update on a whole year! i gave up on the idea of back-dating the posts and decided to do one giant long post of the whole year in the life of one . . . → Read More: a year in the life of a lifelong learner

like a wagon wheel

on new year’s day, coyote visited rich in the form of a near miss with his new truck. the next day, i drew a card about this new year, and sure enough, there was coyote, the piece entitled makes you stronger, by pixie campbell.

coyote travels the rough terrain, establishing territories everywhere. he learns his . . . → Read More: like a wagon wheel