~rainbow mondays~ equanimity

I perch and hover on this equinox, my compass needle steadying but this orienting is an active state, an attentive tending. . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ equanimity

~rainbow mondays~ emergent

Life is once again starting to emerge on the planet – trilliums, trout lilies – and though we humans are still laying low for the near future, the farther future is starting to look more hopeful. . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ emergent

life imitates art

i took my time on the weekly photo challenge “life imitates art“. waiting for breaks in the rain and trying to pose daffodils, i didn’t achieve what i was hoping to in trying to to emulate georgia o’keeffe’s amazing flower paintings. an impossible goal, but irresistible as daffodils and plum . . . → Read More: life imitates art